Thursday, February 17, 2011

Movie: How to Train Your Dragon

WHAT A FUN MOVIE!!!! *bounces all around* I am a kid at heart--it's true--so I really enjoy animated and cgi movies from time to time. I remember seeing a trailer for this and couldn't wait for it to come out. How happy I am that "Dragon" not only didn't disappoint, it was much better than I thought it would be! I can't fault it. Not a thing about this movie that I'd change. I loved the vastly different dragons and all of their wonderful personalities. I thought the viking characters were all super. The music and sound effects were fabulous. The dialog, perfect. The cgi and animation? OMG. There were countless effects that seemed completely real. Character development is very important to me and I felt like I got to know everyone's personalities and quirks. Of course the main dragon, "Toothless," was just amazing. I loved this movie. Just loved it.


  1. It's fantastic isn't it! I have watched it far too many times to say without feeling slightly embarrassed. I love listening to the soundtrack too, especially the track "This is Berk." It gets me pumped up in the morning to take on the day. I must get a recumbent trike! I've thought about it for years. They look like so much fun. I bet it makes you feel like you are going faster too since you are low to the ground. Had to come check in on you two and see how life with WoW was going and apparently it is going great! Yay! High five :)

  2. Hah I'm sorry this is Jabberwocky. I was logged into my work account when I posted this! :P

  3. Hi there, and thanks for the comments! I'll have to listen to "This is Berk" so I know which tune that is! Oh, and if you would like to know more about our trikes, take a look at Steve's blog about it!
    Thanks for checking in! :) I hope you're doing just as well as we are!
