Monday, February 28, 2011

Going Away Party...Should I?

It's Monday and our WoW accounts close out on Saturday. I am toying with the idea of posting on the guild forums that Steve and I will be logging on for about an hour on Friday to say goodbye. Once our accounts shut down, we will de-install the game and we aren't going back.

Question: should I bother? I am questioning my motives and I need to decide either way by the end of today...the sooner the better.

Reasons to have a going-away party:
I would like to give people the chance to say goodbye to us, and so we can say goodbye too. I would like to log into my characters and just sit for a moment, thinking about the good times I had on each one. I'd like to hang out and talk on vent, chat in guild and to folks who come over to talk. I would like to say thank you to people that I spent so much time with, to let them know they meant something to me and that I'll remember them. I'd like to know what fun memories people have about me and my characters.

Reasons against: Do I really care? Really? No...I don't. These people don't really care about me. I'm just a placeholder for the class they need for the raid/party. Or, I filled a moment with something to read or listen to while waiting for the next thing to do. And do I really care about them? No...I have to say that I don't. I mean, that's not entirely true for everyone, but for the most part I feel the same way they do. I don't care. Logging into my characters? Oh come on...why? Who cares? I don't need to make a big deal about something that honestly doesn't matter. I really doubt I'll have any pangs of sorrow for not saying goodbye to my characters...and give me a break...these are just pixels that I give a personality to. I can pull up my characters at any time just by thinking about them if I feel like it.

I talked to Steve yesterday and he was fine with the idea if I really wanted to, but the fact that I'm dragging my feet on the post has me thinking that I shouldn't bother. If you have an opinion, put it in the comments for this post!


  1. I've been following your blog since it was first posted on I say don't even bother. You're following them on progression and now one last hurrah? You have to ask yourself is the going away party for you or them? I know you and your husband are proud of the guild that you brought up and built but in the big scheme of things does it really matter? Its a difficult thing to stay away from WoW...and that last login could turn into a "last raid" or a "last heroic". Its like taking an alcoholic to a bar for one last drink. I say stay away...stay strong and keep up the positive work on the blog. You do make a difference...even though you may not see it.

    Thanks :)

  2. I agree with Annonymous (*waves!*). You've mentioned a few times that it doesn't seem like anyone cares that you're gone. They're too busy playing to worry about those who aren't playing! And if you don't really care, what's the point?! Like Anony says, it really is like taking an alcoholic to a bar. If you're having an easy time staying away, don't tempt yourself. It's hard for recovering people to hang out with addicts, no matter what the addiction is.

  3. You two make really good points. Anony, I have done a lot of thinking about your question, "Is the party for me or them?" Well, it would be for me. And you know what? It doesn't mean anything to me to log on just to say goodbye to a bunch of people who really don't care if I'm there or not. Although I can safely say that I wouldn't be tempted to go back to playing, what truly would be the point? Is it that I want people to say, "Oh Janet! I love you! I will miss you! You are the greatest!" Oh give me a break. It would all be a bunch of crap anyway. *loud booming voice to say the following...* THERE SHALL BE NO PARTY!

  4. I have followed your story as well, different anonymous here. Your story somewhat mirrors my own. Congratulations on your progress and your decisions. You have done most amazing for you and in some ways a help to me.

  5. Hi Anony! Thanks for the note and support. It makes me feel really good to know that I've helped you at least a little bit. Let me know if you have a blog too, I'd love to read it! :)

  6. I don't blog, but thank you for asking. I hope things are going very well for you.

  7. They are! I hope you keep coming back to visit--I hope that you'll see our lives improving more and more as the months away from WoW roll by!
