Monday, March 21, 2011

Rainy Day Blues

With the nonstop rain, the full moon, and feeling worried about our future, Steve and I have the blues. It really helps to listen to our Glenn Harrold hypno-therapy, but no matter how much positive therapy we get, we've been feeling pretty depressed for the past couple of days. We need to stay positive so we can learn this new technology and create portfolio pieces but it can be hard.

Things to be happy about!

We're not in Japan!
I saw our elusive chickadee at the feeder today for about one second!
I finished my Joomla training and helped Steve build a website!
We're healthy and doing fine.


  1. Hang in there! The road back from the addiction to WoW isn't easy. Re-learning stuff or learning new things is tough. Its a road...take it...move with it and continue on it!

  2. Thanks Anony! I got smacked in the face with a wall of depression, but I'm coming around! *hugs* I appreciate your warm wishes and support!
