Saturday, March 12, 2011

Junco Fest!

After the raptor flew away, disappointed that all the little birdies didn't just fly directly into his beakie, the bird feeders were a ghost town for about 20 minutes. Then, as if someone signaled, "ALL CLEAR!!!", the little birdies came back to continue wolfing down seed and arguing over the best spot to eat.

It occurred to me that I haven't posted much in the way of Juncos, and that's a tragedy! These cutie pies are so adorable that I just gotta share some images! Behold!

Here are a couple of males on a feeder. I like the way the one on top is peering down to see what the one below is doing! "I'm eating seeds and there aren't any for you!"

This is a female; notice her subdued but still beautiful coloring.

I got an image of two Juncos in flight!

I would like to take some images of birds in flight where the wings are crisp, but sometimes the soft blur of wings is really cool and artistic.

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