Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Another Perfect Day for a Bike Ride!

We went on a ride a couple of days ago and it was pretty uncomfortably cold, but today it was probably 10 degrees warmer and turned out to be perfect for a bike ride! We took the camera again and took a bunch of pictures! Enjoy the show!

We spent about 15 minutes cooing at the adorable babies down at the goat farm. Steve took a bunch of videos which I'll upload when he has them ready!

If you think these pictures are cute, just WAIT til you see the babies sproinging around in the videos!

I wish we could play with these adorable goats, they are so darling! This one is probably my favorite, I love its spots!

I took this image next to the goat farm, and thought the trees and clouds were neat looking.

Today the clouds were just amazing! We couldn't stop looking at them!

This is Mount McLoughlin; we are hoping to hike to the top sometime this season!

This is a view on the way home from our ride. So beautiful. Click on the image to see the full size!

This is part of one of the Table Rocks near our house. I think they are very special and can't believe they are visible from our house!

Here is another image of one of the Table Rocks. They are so cool!


  1. Mount McLoughlin > Mount Hyjal :)

    Climb that sucker! We want to see pics!!!

    If I was anywhere near would be one of my top climb it and look down on the land and say "I've conquered this little part of paradise!!"

  2. And sproinging is a new word that needs to be added to the dictionary!

  3. YAYYYY!!! Steve and I agree! Mt. McLoughlin IS WAY COOLER than Mt. Hyjal and now we REALLY want to try to put that into our list of places to hike! BTW, this Saturday is a really important day: our accounts shut down AND it well be our first outing with a local hiking club! We'll be hiking to the top of one of the Table Rocks! Be prepared for a PICTURE FEST! :D

    And as for your comment about SPROINGING, I completely AGREE with you! :D I am known for my hopelessly silly commentary, so SPROING is a common word in my vocabulary! :D Another one I like to use is "KA-SPRINGO"! I should work at Websters!
