Monday, February 28, 2011

Zoe and the Tiny Tail Toy

This is our very silly, spastic Boxer showing just how goofy she is! We're really happy with video quality our camera takes! Who needs a video camera when you have 720p output from a $200 digital camera?! :D WHEE!!! (Also seen is Moosie, our amazingly dumb but hopelessly sweet Basset Hound)


  1. Awww, too cute. What type of digital camera do you have? Got to love dumb dogs, no matter what they're always happy!

  2. For our choice of camera, take a peek at this post! :)

    Yes, Moosie is a sweetie pie but it does get a little old for instance, having to tell him to pee on the GRASS, not the CEMENT because it's two steps further...*bangs head on desk*

  3. Ohh that does look like a good camera. I need to upgrade our digital camera at some point, I got a little one as a wedding present but it's not that great for trying to take good pictures. Althought it is small which is nice for lugging around!

    Oh boy! Some people can train their dogs to go potty in a certain corner of their yard... I'm just happy mine do it outside period! :-P Reeses was the hardest to potty train ever, he drinks water like a camel then he would get all excited about something and oops all of a sudden he'd be peeing!

  4. OMG...peeing in the house. Isn't that the BEST? *grrrr* Just a couple of days ago, Steve and I took the dogs on a walk around the property and I guess Moosie decided to drink half of the pond. We got back and fed them dinner and I ran upstairs with the dogs and then remembered I needed something downstairs. Moosie was in front of me at the top of the stairs and I look down and HE'S PISSING ALL OVER THE LANDING! All the way down the stairs, across the carpet, all over the foyer and all the way outside. OH EM GEE...we were BEYOND SEETHING ANGRY. See, it wouldn't have been so bad if he'd let me know. But nooOOOOooooo...he's just too dim. "UHHH DUYUUUHHHH, I gotta go...I think this is a good place." *GRRRRR* Honestly, if we'd done research and found out how dumb bassets are, we'd never have gotten him. He's sweet, but that only goes so far...

  5. Yeah bassets aren't really known for their brains :-P I haven't had that much experience with them personally, but the few I met when I used to work for a vet's office reminded me of beagles. Cute, but so damn impossible to train!
