Thursday, February 10, 2011

Glenn Harrold for Motivation

Hypnotherapy...really? Steve downloaded a free audio program, "Relax and Sleep Well," for the iPad a few weeks ago with the hopes that maybe it would help my chronic insomnia. I was a bit sceptical but also hopeful; since I had nothing to lose, why not try it, right? Well, the first night I used it, I actually got a lot more sleep than I'd been getting, and I felt better rested. But I also felt better about myself and more optimistic and motivated. I have been listening ever since and have only missed a couple of days.

Since that program seemed to actually be working, Steve gave it a try even though he needs no help sleeping. I wanted hm to listen to the positive affirmations and thought they would help him too. He was impressed, and we bought one that's longer and leaves you in a sleep state instead of bringing you out of the trance. I also got one that's just for getting to sleep, but since it has no affirmations, I don't use it as much as the other programs. I also bought one for motivation, another for exercising and fitness, and we'll also pick up a weight loss one as well.

Point? They work. Let me tell you something: perhaps it's coincedence, but it was after listening to these audio programs that Steve and I were finally able to make the break from WoW. We are hopeful, motivated, optimistic, and looking towards the future in a positive frame of mind.

The changes that are happening to us are like adding one small layer each day. They are becoming more obvious as the days turn into weeks, and it's just amazing to me. We had become so defeated and hopeless over the past couple of years that depression was really taking a toll on us. I feel so much better and excited for the future. I still have fears and worries but they are much more manageable. I feel like I have better control over myself and my life.

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