Monday, February 21, 2011

A Perfect Day for a Bike Ride!

This is me on my bike! Oops. That's not a bike, it's a TRIKE! I know it's silly but people always look at me funny when I say I have a recumbant tricycle so I just call it a bike. I get the feeling that people assume there must be something the matter with me for riding such a thing...whatEVAR! It's a lot of fun to ride! By the way, if you are interested, Steve has a blog devoted to his trike and it's definitely worth a read!

Waking up to such a beautiful day had me insisting on a bike ride, and Steve agreed! We really want to get back into shape and if we're going on a hike up the Lower Table Rocks in a couple of weeks, we need to start working on our fitness level now. I've been clearing brush and walking the dogs around the property, but these aren't cardio workouts. We need to make exercise a routine, so today is a step in the right direction.

Steve brought the camera along and we decided to ride down to the goat farm, a favorite destination and turn-around point for a 9.5 mile trip. As you will see, we took lots of pictures!! I hope you enjoy my little photo essay!

On the way down to see the goats, I saw these Texas Longhorns and had to stop for a picture! Honestly, I didn't think the picture would come out well because they were so far away. HOLY COW...(did you see what I did there?!)...our camera has 12x zoom and I was astonished to find that I was able to crop in and get a really nice picture after all! WOOT!

Here we are at the goat farm! These guys have the life! They have a wonderful barn that's set up just for them, and it's obvious they are very well taken care of. (They also have a couple of llamas)

Take a look at that naughty baby trying to climb onto mommy's back! The little scoundrel kept trying and trying but for now, mom is too tall. That won't last! Last year we saw the babies hopping on the adults a bunch of times and it is really hilarious to see!

These are such beautiful goats! The mama has such pretty grey hair, and the spotted baby is so adorably cute!! You should have heard the babies bleating! One of them sneezed a couple of times and I about died laughing!

Baby goaty goats!!! OMG they are so cute!! There were babies last year too, but this time we are getting to see them when they're even younger! Steve kept telling me to make less noise because I couldn't stop cooing at them! Have you ever seen baby goats or lambs bouncing around? It's so cute!

On the way home, there is an Andalusian breeding farm called Firefly Ranch, and this is their gorgeous stallion, Conquest TCV. What a handsome boy!

This sweet mare came over to say hello and hoped we would come and pet her or give her a treat. However, we don't feel comfortable approaching other people's animals without permission, so we admired her and took her picture instead!

Steve is so cute! He wanted to take a picture of me near a couple of my brushpiles! Wish me luck: I'm hoping to clear all of the brush from the property next to our roadside fence in the next few months!

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