You know, Steve and I have done so much talking about leaving this game, and we both agree that the timing was absolutely perfect. Granted, we HAD to leave because we MUST work on our new careers and that means we do NOT have time to play WoW anymore. That aside, we are both very comfortable with our decision to leave, based on these facts:
1) We got the chance to see Cataclysm. No, we didn't do much more than raid Baradin Hold 10/25 and we only spent a couple of nights on Throne of the Four Winds 10m, but we got a taste of strong progress. We geared up two sets of alts to raiding level, we did our rep grinds for several factions, we got some epic pieces, we upped some of our crafting to max, and we both got to thoroughly try out the new profession, Archeology. We got to do all of the dungeons on Heroic. We got to be part of our guild getting to level 14, which is something to feel proud of--our guild is full of active, happy players. And the first two 10m groups are ready to head out next week. We also got to see the revamped Azeroth, and Steve tried out a goblin and enjoyed all of the cool quests in the starting zone. I am really fine with not getting around to that! :)
2) We "beat" WoW in Wrath of the Lich King. We did nearly everything in regards to 10m raiding; we both feel satisfied that we "beat" the game. Two sets of our toons are totally decked out Kingslayers (from WoTK) and our premier raiding toons got the achievement, "Glory of the Icecrown Raider," and proudly rode their Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquishers everywhere. We were successful getting everything we wanted out of the expansion, and even though our 25m raids weren't good enough to clear ICC, the guild had a good time while that lasted.
3) We turned our premier pair of toons into heroes. Zuulbash was Steve's amazing Orc Death Night Blood Tank. What an AMAZING tank (and no slouch in the dps dept. either!) One of the finest tanks on the server, he could do it all. We can't count all the times people said he's the best DK tank on the server, and among the best raid leaders too. Badjoojoo was my Troll Resto Shaman, and during his reign through WoLK, he rose to become one of the very best healers out there. Once he got the gear, there was no topping him in either 10 or 25 man content. No matter what it was, he topped the charts. It was always fun to go into a pugged 25m VOA because Badjoojoo ALWAYS outhealed everyone. And I was always gracious and humble, even if I got attitude from other healers. So many times I would hear the likes of, "Joojoo's here, we'll be fine now!" Zuulbash and Badjoojoo were a team because Steve and I loved to play together, so whenever we were out to do something, everyone wanted to be there--we were the top of the line tank and healer team that would never fail! (within reason, of course...sadly, Zuul and Joojoo had human players behind them!! LOL)
4) We've gotten enough out of this game to be done with it. We've been playing since Beta, and we only had one short break of about three months when we were momentarily distracted by The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. We leveled many of our toons to 80, some to 85. We capped our toons from expansion to expansion. We learned about raiding and from Karazhan and on, we enjoyed and learned our classes and how to work together as teams, and eventually, the ability to master some of the most challenging content in WoW when WoLK came out. We got to be in a hard-core raiding guild and found out how much of a love/hate thing they can be. We built our own guild and filled it with great people. Steve got to lead a guild, something he'd been wanting to do since his days leading the largest guild in Northern California Renaissance Faire many years ago. He got the chance to lead 10 and 25 man raids and actually lead two teams of 10 man's through Lich King! We really did get to do every single thing we wanted badly to do.
How many people can say that much about their WoW experience? Yes, it may be pretty sad when you think about all the time we invested, but on the other hand, it's what we wanted to do at the time, and with that time, we became really good at our classes and achieved greatness for our toons. We feel satisfied, and are so excited about our future without WoW! :)
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