Last night when I was realizing there would be no hike today, I was really disappointed because I was totally looking forward to it. We want to meet the other hikers and make some new friends! Also, I wanted the exercise, darn it! We're not doing enough biking to satisfy me, but it's not really our fault--we're not going to ride in the rain or if it's below 45 degrees, so what can I do? *glares into the mirror*
I have an awesome orbital trainer that I love to use if only I can get started with a routine and stick with it. It's great exercise AND I get to watch a movie while I'm working out! How cool is that?!
Last night as I was falling asleep, I told myself over and over again that I will use my orbital trainer today. To my amazement, it hit me at one point that it's time to stop what I was doing and go use the orbital trainer. Like, I didn't have a choice and it's just what I'd be doing now. Well, ok then! I marched down to the garage, popped in a movie and went to town! I ended up working out for 50 minutes and 300 calories, which was a lot more than I expected I would do. I'm so happy!!!! YAYYYY!!!
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