Saturday, March 19, 2011

Laughing Outloud at Poor, Poor Alexandra Wallace

Ok, there was a student at UCLA who decided it would be a really bright idea to post a video blog about Asians in the Library. Apparently, she was just about as offensive as you could get, even going so far as to parody-mimic the Chinese language. I read that she'd pulled the video off a day later when reports of her video exploded across the nation and world. I assumed there would be no trace of the video, but I should have realized that people would repost it for everyone to watch. You'll find a link above if you'd like to see for yourself.

Now that I've seen this video for myself, I'm blown away and yet, it makes me laugh at just how stupid she is. What a moron. The news report I read quoted some of the things she'd said and I made a mental image of a blond guess I was right. (Truthfully, I am actually showing myself to be prejudiced too by automatically assuming that a stupid person at UCLA who would do such a thing would be blond with a large rack...but give me a break--UCLA is overflowing with Barbie clones! I couldn't BELIEVE it when I walked about campus once.)

Today I read that Alexandra Wallace has left UCLA because of death threats and because she had been "ostracized from an entire community." She has apologized for offending Asians and said the video a mistake, but my question is, WHY would anyone make such a horribly offensive, racist video commentary in the first place?

If you look on YouTube, you'll find lots of responses to her video. I especially liked these two:
Asians in the Library Response Video
Ching Chong! Asians in the Library Song

Although she had absolutely no idea what she was doing, I'm really not surprised that she has been forced into hiding. I hope that all of the morons in the world watch that video and find out what happened to her afterwards. I hope she doesn't get killed, but sadly, I'd say she is in danger.

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