We watched about half of A.I. before stopping in disgust when it became increasingly and unnecessarily mean-spirited with no end in sight. Nods to Haley Joel Osment's (Sixth Sense) excellent performance, rotten tomatoes at Spielberg for making a movie that thrives on the misery of its main character. I found out how the movie ended and I'm only sorry we watched as long as we did. I really don't know how people can stand watching movies that are based on gratuitous suffering.
Uptown Girls was a mindless, moronic film overflowing with horrible acting and a totally stupid story line. Completely unbelievable, idiotic, illogical and annoying, we also hated all of the characters. Although we really admire Dakota Fanning's acting, her script was just awful and sorry but we wanted to throw her out of the nearest window along with everyone else.
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