Thursday, April 28, 2011

Problem with my website

Yesterday, at one point, my new blog replacement website, Life After WoW, got a corrupted file and now will not load. We are trying to figure it out and have a ticket out to the tech at our hosting site and I hope very much to get it back online asap. Very disturbed and unhappy atm.


  1. The deed, and previous decision for me, has been done back in February.

    I played quite happily for 3 years, and like you, started to raid from Kara onwards, though to Nax, a little Ulduar, then onwards to ToC, and ICC.

    For me the Cata expansion killed the game I liked, and perhaps made it easier to call time on what was becoming a grind rather than a journey. The combination of phasing, the cross realm looking for an Instance Group, and perhaps the various nurfs and favouritism plus almost a cookie class one size fits all demonstrated to various classes finished things.

    WoWs previous great attraction was that as a genuine MMO it brought together people from different walks of life and different countries, which otherwise would never have met, to collaborate together on quite genuine objectives that in many cases were not easy. Most of that has now gone.

    Azeroth within world is almost deserted apart from people rushing from node to node to farm (and in some cases they are bots not people). Instead, they sit in Stormwind or Orgrimmar waiting for an instance or raid group. The slightest mistake brings out the worst aspects of human behaviour within Pugs, and even in many guilds, the same can be true.

    No sense of adventure, no sense of a journey, very little human companionship, and no fun.

    My characters have killed the Lich King, who in conjunction with the scourge would have destroyed all virtual life within Azeroth. My duty, and objectives are done, it is over.

    Rest in Peace old Azeroth

    PS, that is not to say I will not game again, I enjoy Chess, have looked at Bridge, and will dabble within Middle Earth and Telara

    Q takes P

  2. Thanks for yor comment and grats on leaving WoW. Kind of strange but it's true: Cata killed WoW, for all the reasons you stated and more as well.

    I hope you enjoy your life away from WoW, and if you're interested, I hope that you visit my new website to find out what I'm up to these days! :)
